Deprecation Notice: If you are upgrading from N|Solid 2.x, here are the need-to-know steps for migrating to N|Solid 3.x.

* N|Solid Storage has been eliminated, and its functionality is provided by the N|Solid 3.x Console server. Attempting to connect an existing N|Solid Storage instance to a N|Solid 3.x Console will not work unless the storage instance is running in relay mode.

* Many of the settings and environment variables from N|Solid Storage are available in the 3.x N|Solid Console; substitute CONSOLE for STORAGE in the variable name. View the Networking documentation for specific settings.

* Loading a N|Solid 3.x Console server with the same configuration as a N|Solid Storage instance will load some of your existing assets and metrics history, but Heap Snapshots will need to be accessed directly from your storage device. The default location has changed from ~/.nsolid-storage to ~/.nsolid-console.

* The N|Solid 2.x Runtime is compatible with the N|Solid 3.x Console, but not all functionality will be available.

* The environment variables used to configure N|Solid Runtime are the same as with N|Solid 2.x, however you must provide a valid license during any operation, either via a connection to an N|Solid Console, or by providing a License Token directly. Read the Configuration guide for more information.

* The nsolid-cli syntax and behavior have changed from 2.x, be sure to read the Command Line Interface documentation if you use this functionality.

The communication between the N|Solid Console and the N|Solid Storage is made through HTTPs, if you happen to setup
a docker-compose file as shown in our N|Solid in Docker Swarm article you have noticed the NSOLID_CONSOLE_STORAGE_URL environment variable:


That HTTPs connection uses a self-signed HTTPs certificate that can be located in the following paths (depending on your N|Solid Installation):

  • nsolid-storage Docker container: /usr/src/app/etc
  • macOS Developer Bundle: /usr/local/nsolid/storage/etc
  • Linux: /usr/share/nsolid-storage/etc/

Both public and private keys are located into that folder, the files you are looking for are:

  • nsolid-self-signed.crt (Public)
  • nsolid-self-signed.key (Private)

You can also define your own HTTPs certificates by running the script located in the same folder or defining the following env variables:


They can also be specified in the nsolid-storage configuration file:

key  = ""
cert = ""